13 06, 2018

Strategic Planning Will Set You Apart In A Competitive Industry

By |2018-12-17T15:40:41+00:00June 13th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Strategic planning within a competitive industry is a must when trying to set yourself apart from your competition. Strategic planning, for example, let's look at the Golf Industry... Look, I'm not a golfer by heart, but I've recently found myself thinking about starting up again. Not to mention, I recently had the honor of interviewing an independent sales rep, in the golf industry. My interview was with Charley, who has been an independent sales rep in this highly competitive industry for ten years. During our chat we talked about 2 [...]

29 05, 2018

#1 Successful Marketing Campaign For Direct Sales

By |2018-12-28T16:22:49+00:00May 29th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

'Marketing Campaign' What is it? Marketing Campaigns come in all different shapes and sizes. The idea of marketing is to promote a product in many different sources, such as; television radio print online platforms direct mail However, with these 'marketing campaigns' mentioned above, there are also examples that aren't considered advertising but can be more effective due to uniqueness of being more personal, so to speak. These include; demonstrations word of mouth personal sampling relationship marketing People in direct sales tend to use the less traditional forms of advertising and find that the more [...]

23 05, 2018

Marketing Strategies To Create More Referrals For Your Business

By |2018-12-17T15:42:30+00:00May 23rd, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Marketing Strategies are a must when it comes to creating an abundance of referrals for business. Marketing strategies that build relationships are what you should focus on plain and simple! Making a great first impression is not nearly enough to see a huge transformation in referral business. Building upon new relationships, to make the relationship meaningful, requires marketing strategies that are memorable. Folks I gotta tell you; I love teaching about this thing called relationship marketing. It's the most powerful of all marketing strategies for business today. It's truly transforming [...]

16 05, 2018

Simple Strategy To Stand Out From Your Competition And Win More Bids

By |2018-12-17T18:26:52+00:00May 16th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Stand out from your competition and, win in construction... Standing out from competition comes easily to Heba Malki of the Domilya Group. A Canadian based renovation & construction company. Certainly much unheard of, Heba secured a seven-figure construction project, and she was the highest bidder. She tripled their business over the past three years by using a relationship marketing system to show appreciation to prospects and clients. Talking with Heba, I learned how hard it is to start a construction business. Like anybody that starts a new business, you don’t always have great [...]

20 10, 2017

Want To Finally Know What Relationship Money Is?

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00October 20th, 2017|Personal Development|

Last week I posed a very interesting question, a thought that had come to me one morning… What is Relationship Money? What does Relationship Money have to do with Relationship Marketing? Out of pure curiosity, I wanted to hear from others. I called out to each and every one of you, all across social media, to tell me your thoughts and give me your own ideas as to what Relationship Money means to you and how it ties in with Relationship Marketing. I am in awe over the countless responses [...]

15 09, 2017

Business to Business Relationship Management Tactic

By |2018-07-18T01:39:21+00:00September 15th, 2017|Personal Development|

Business To Business Relationship Management Business to Business Relationship Management and CRM's are critical to the survival of any business.  This is true in building relationships with customers and business to business relations as well. What is Relationship Management... Relationship management is a tactic that maintains constant engagement of customers and/or vendors. This tactic keeps track and builds on sales of products and services in your business. Relationship management is between a business and its customers (CRM's) or Business to Business Relationships such as vendors, referral partners etc... These 2 types [...]

10 09, 2017

Success Factors For Your Business And Personal Life

By |2018-10-20T15:41:40+00:00September 10th, 2017|Personal Development|

The Greatest minds of the past century have been telling us that key success factors involve showing constant respect for others. Success factors that are key in business, are also the constant factors, in who we should be as human beings. These key success factors are: Respect for others Showing appreciation We must remember respect and appreciation factors are not only important in business but as a life principle in general. Abraham Lincoln stated that "everybody likes a compliment."  He simply complimented people. This is how he ran our country and [...]

3 09, 2017

Why Finding Balance In Ego Is Essential To The Law of Attraction

By |2018-07-18T01:39:21+00:00September 3rd, 2017|Personal Development|

Law of attraction is indicative of the dynamic of Like attracts Like... a Generally, it's pretty simple how the Law of Attraction works.  For example "If I send out to the Universe or to others to get, the law of attraction determines that the Universe will either get from me or pull away from me that which I desire."  On the flip side of that, "If I send out to give, the Universe will move toward me giving me that which I desire." However, there is a catch, too:  It [...]

20 08, 2017

Build Your Brand Loyalty With These 3 Core Principles In Mind

By |2018-07-18T01:39:22+00:00August 20th, 2017|Personal Development|

Build your brand loyalty by asking yourself this question... How do I build authority, loyalty, trust and belief in me, my service and or product? Becoming more recognized and building your authority and following is more than a logo.  Actually, it's more of a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. If you're looking to build your brand on a personal level, here are 3 core principles needed to accomplish this: Core Principle #1... Define your personal brand and build your brand with this in mind: Friendship [...]


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