Marketing Strategies are a must when it comes to creating an abundance of referrals for business.

Marketing strategies that build relationships are what you should focus on plain and simple!

Making a great first impression is not nearly enough to see a huge transformation in referral business. Building upon new relationships, to make the relationship meaningful, requires marketing strategies that are memorable.

Folks I gotta tell you; I love teaching about this thing called relationship marketing. It’s the most powerful of all marketing strategies for business today. It’s truly transforming the way people succeed in business and in life.

So yeah, I mean if you want to talk about the effectiveness of marketing, making a tangible impact creates a stronger bond than:

  • text
  • emails or;
  • social media posts

“People crave the feeling of being appreciated”

Marketing Strategies that can make a tangible impact will significantly increase word of mouth referrals organically.

Don’t take my word for it, listen to this short video interview…

-Life Purpose Coach, Matt Scherb says…

“Inside of 30 days, I found that the referrals I was receiving, basically sending a birthday card or a thank you card, tripled my referrals very rapidly and it’s because I was staying top of mind with my clients.”

Most noteworthy, the power of marketing strategies such as this one, if you send a birthday card to somebody and only say “Happy birthday!” you’re not asking them for anything, you’re just saying “Happy birthday!”

I hear stories all the time about how it’s the only birthday card they got that day. They didn’t get a birthday card from anybody in their family, anybody in their personal life. Your birthday card is the only birthday card and then we wonder why they become such referral machines. They simply felt appreciated by you.

When you physically touch someone at the heart, at the core, it makes a huge impact because you’ve appreciated them.

Only handing out business cards is “not”  one of the greatest Marketing Strategies

Think for a moment, the difference it makes from someone giving you their business card, as opposed to them sending you a tangible “nice to meet you card” or a follow-up “birthday card.” Did you feel that? Just saying you can’t help but feel the difference.

Like over the years, I’ve received thousands of birthday cards. I never throw any of them away. I can’t. They’re too special to me and so they stay with me. Now, on the other hand, business cards I’ve collected, I have to confess well they’re in my bag somewhere. You see what I mean? It makes a big difference.

Powerful follow-up

Even though you may have made a great first impression at a trade show or networking event, it’s truly not enough for them to remember you and their experience with you.

You must make an impression, a “tangible impression” by going above and beyond the usual;

  • Handing out your business card and hoping it sticks, or even worse won’t get thrown away.
  • Texting a message and wondering if they will respond
  • Emailing and waiting to see if it gets opened

While only 11% of emails get opened, following-up with a tangible greeting card means it will get opened. Emails, text and social media comments don’t encourage word of mouth referrals. Word of mouth advertising is the best advertising you can get because it comes from a customer/client who respects and trusts you from a past and follow-up experience. Not to mention, you won’t have to do as many trade shows or networking groups, because a tangible greeting card has sticking power. You’ll get more business referrals than your competitors because they didn’t take that action and you did.

Also, there are some psychological effects of a tangible touch of appreciation, that I don’t think you can get with any other form of communication. Gratitude and appreciation have a slightly higher resonance, a higher frequency that releases the natural – like dopamine feel good, kind of stuff. So it’s just really powerful.

Sending gratitude out and making it about your client speaks volumes. It’s a touch that never goes away, and whatever you can do from a client perspective – also differentiating yourself, making it a different world of experience for them. That experience creating that solid bond with a customer is huge. Gratitude is really what the world needs a lot of. So that’s how I differentiate it myself.

Take care everybody,

Kody B

p.s. leave me a comment and lets keep this conversation rolling, I’d love to hear what you have to say!