1 06, 2017

Relationship Marketing Multiple Touch Campaigns

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00June 1st, 2017|2 Minute Tips|

2 Campaigns That will Increase Your Bottom Line... Relationship Marketing Multiple Touch Campaigns like the ones I share in this video blog are exactly what I have been teaching for years to those who attend my seminars. At these seminars we teach building long-term relationships with customers will create the loyalty and relationships that all businesses strive for with current and potential customers.  Strengthening customer relations will create stronger customer retention, incremental sales, and referrals. https://youtu.be/SQL4Xpp4wiQ   This is Relationship Marketing at it's Very Finest!   Follow the 80/20 rule [...]

16 05, 2017

Relationship Marketing Campaign: Follow This Strategic 80/20 Example

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00May 16th, 2017|Relationship Marketing|

Relationship Marketing Should Follow the 80/20 Rule... Relationship Marketing is a strategic personal interaction that builds on the customer base you already have. Building long-term relationships with customers will create the loyalty that all businesses are striving to achieve.  Strengthening customer relations, in turn, will create stronger customer retention, thereby generating continued sales and referrals.   Relationship Marketing 80/20 Rule Although traditional marketing is important, it can cost 5x more to acquire a new customer.  Relationship Marketing is less expensive, retains & builds upon a current customer. The key [...]

24 01, 2017

Gatekeeper’s…How to Get Past Them Using This Powerful Marketing Tool

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00January 24th, 2017|2 Minute Tips|

A personalized touch is a great way to get passed the Gatekeeper... Gatekeepers are tricky to get by!  All top leaders in their industry understand that in order to "get passed" or "bypass the gatekeeper" their marketing needs to include the personalized touch. Let's face it, folks, making connections is probably the most important part of building a business and making sales!  Look at it this way if you are not making new connections you're not really building a business you're simply stagnating. One way people make connections is networking through [...]

18 01, 2017

Customer Relationship Management Campaign That Builds Relationships

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00January 18th, 2017|Relationship Marketing|

CRM Stands for Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship management provides business solutions to improve interaction with current, past prospects & customer sales.  It's hard enough to track and manage sales and engagements let alone maintain and build upon the relationship between salesperson and customer. There is always a competitor lurking around the corner!  If you customer ends up in the arms of that competitor...Then you just learned how misplacing customer contacts and their information delayed your sale and pushed your client into the arms of a competitor. Now is the [...]

13 01, 2017

Learn This Powerful Tip to Picking Up More Expired Listings

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00January 13th, 2017|Relationship Marketing|

Expired Listings...Think Outside the Box! Expired listings can be a lot of work to pick up!  In this blog post I'm gonna share with you a powerful tool for picking up those listings that have or are about to expire... First, let me ask you an important question... Do you know what the definition of INSANITY is? "Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result" Yes, we have all been there done that...right?  We know that doing something the same way and expecting our results to be [...]

21 12, 2016

The Power of Christmas Greetings In Your Business

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00December 21st, 2016|Relationship Marketing|

Christmas is the biggest Holiday for card sending... Christmas Greetings are sent each year to the tune of 1.5 billion cards, that's more than any other holiday. Holiday cards account for 60 percent of card sales each year. Aside from families and personal cards, businesses find it a great time to send out Annual Christmas Greetings saying Thank You for your business, to customers/clients, prospective clients and employees. Here are a few other benefits of sending out Christmas Greetings... You stay top of mind Shows you appreciate your current clients Business relationships are [...]

23 11, 2016

Secrets of Closing the Sale To Enjoy a 98% Sales Ratio

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00November 23rd, 2016|Relationship Marketing|

The Secrets of Closing the Sale is...There Are No Secrets Are you out there looking for the magic secrets of closing the sale? Well, there are no secrets of closing the sale.  Even better, this not-so-secret, secret has been in front of you forever! Ever since we were little, our parents taught us to be kind and show appreciation and gratitude to those who help us in any way. The same holds true in your adult life and business today.  Here are 2 key secrets of closing the sale, that really [...]

16 11, 2016

Learn How This Referral System Snagged a Huge Referral For A Law Firm

By |2018-07-18T01:40:02+00:00November 16th, 2016|Relationship Marketing|

This Referral System will Create Loyal, Passionate Fans that Will Freely Refer You... The challenge with Social Media the last few years, is focusing on “collecting” instead of “connecting.” It's great to "collect" fans on Social Media, but even more powerful to personally and emotionally "connect" with them! Imagine a Referral System, that connects and inspires referrals for you and/or your business.  Simply because your relationship is built on love and appreciation...not money. People really will talk about you and your product, based on appreciation, if you have earned word of mouth! [...]

9 11, 2016

Use This Tool In Your Church Membership Retention Plan

By |2018-07-18T01:40:03+00:00November 9th, 2016|Relationship Marketing|

Having a Relationship Building Retention Plan is Key for Building Church Memberships Here are some important points that need to be part of your Membership Retention Plan: Connection Balance Acceptance Recognition All of these points fall within building a Community! With that said, what does it take to build a community?  The key answer would be RELATIONSHIPS! When people look towards a community they are looking for the components mentioned above.   Having a Relationship Retention Plan, that maintains relationships, is a simple and effective way to retain Church Memberships. [...]

2 11, 2016

Building Brand Loyalty for Insurance Agencies Has Never Been Easier

By |2018-07-18T01:40:03+00:00November 2nd, 2016|2 Minute Tips|

Here are the Factors that Impact Brand Loyalty... A consumer will make a decision to continue their brand loyalty for a couple reasons... Product serves their need Relationship with the sales rep However, it's been proven that the consumers brand loyalty is made first based on their relationship with the sales person.  Even if the price goes up, features change or the images change...interesting isn't it! Here's the key to customer retention... Inspire brand loyalty to your brand, service and/or product continually simply by taking better care of customers than the competition. [...]


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