16 01, 2019

Target Market: Assessing The Needs Of Your Prospects

By |2019-01-23T00:58:42+00:00January 16th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Target market, what is it? Target Market is where a salesperson or business owner should focus there time and efforts. Why? Because prospecting the wrong audience is a waste of time and produces; a longer sales process and; less profits, plus; time wasted Spending time to find the right consumers for your product and service is essential. This produces buyers needing your service or product. Simply put, the right prospect is likely to want what your selling. Consequently, spending the time to discover your target market is crucial. Prospecting the right [...]

4 01, 2019

Developing Leadership Qualities To Build Relationships In Network Marketing

By |2019-01-10T15:46:55+00:00January 4th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Network Marketing, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Leadership qualities and Relationship Marketing are necessary in any industry Leadership qualities are especially necessary if you want to build or lead a team in Network Marketing. The Network Marketing industry is a 180 billion dollar industry. More millionaires have been created in this industry then any other industry bar none. I can't even relate to you how excited I am about this topic. Relationship Marketing builds leadership qualities You see, leadership in Network Marketing and Direct sales is a sense of mentorship. Meaning that you need to be willing [...]

28 12, 2018

Closing Sales: The Key Formula To Winning More Sales

By |2020-09-04T19:16:14+00:00December 28th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Closing sales is about keeping pace with the customer or prospect Closing sales is all about meeting your prospect where they are at. In the traditional sense of sales, the whole process can feel icky, slimy or manipulative. Traditional sales feel un-natural to the prospect. When this happens, the prospect feels pressured and could make an emotional decision, which quickly backfires on the salesperson. Boy, I gotta tell ya...I had an incredible interview with James Muir. He's a speaker and best selling author of 'The Perfect Close.' I learned very [...]

21 12, 2018

Prospecting: Are You Missing These 5 Key Prospecting Questions?

By |2018-12-29T16:41:22+00:00December 21st, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Prospecting is a sales process Prospecting is not what most salespeople think it is these days. What it used to be, is all about the sale and marketing. However, nowadays people don't like to be sold to. First of all, I've learned a lot from my interview with Jeb Blount, the most downloaded sales podcaster in iTunes history. We discuss Sales Acceleration and peak performance, built through honoring the needs of prospects and customers. Due to today's digital world, prospecting and marketing is a woven chain that is linked together. [...]

17 12, 2018

What is sales: How Authenticity Matters Most In Sales

By |2020-08-03T18:14:15+00:00December 17th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Learning the concept of serving vs. selling… What is sales? In today’s day and age, the subject of ‘relationship marketing’ couldn’t be more critical to business owners, entrepreneurs & professional salespeople no matter the industry. I had the honor of speaking with Larry Levine, international and best-selling author of ‘Selling From The Heart.’ Larry knows, and has 30 years of experience in the world of the B2B technology space. Most importantly, he knows what it takes to be a successful sales professional. The title alone ‘Selling From the Heart,’ shows [...]

10 12, 2018

Positivity: 6 Pillars to Creating a Positive Attitude

By |2018-12-17T00:44:34+00:00December 10th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Positivity creates strong relationships in our world. Positivity is missing in most everything we see in the world today. Matter of fact, 87% of what we see, hear and experience is negative. Combating the negative by creating a daily positive attitude is crucial to living "happy." Enjoy this Podcast interview, where you will hear from Norm Dominguez. Norm is the author of "The Magic of Positivity." In this book, he teaches the 6 Pillars of strength. These pillars create a positive attitude for success in your business and personal life. [...]

29 10, 2018

Why Coopetition Is a Win Win

By |2018-12-29T16:42:31+00:00October 29th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Coopetition, what is it exactly? And how does it pertain to Relationship Marketing? Recently I had the opportunity to interview Carl Wilson, the owner of Extermiman Pest Control. Carl is a master at Relationship Marketing. We talked a lot about implementing a relationship marketing system to build trust and loyalty, with not only customers but with his competition as well. Not to mention, the importance of creating a balance between a system that you use, and putting the heart into the system. During the interview Carl mentioned his top 4 lead generating [...]

29 10, 2018

What Are the 3 Legs of Marketing Management

By |2018-12-17T15:34:10+00:00October 29th, 2018|Personal Development, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Marketing management is the #1 thing you need to employ in business. Let's take the "3 legged stool analogy. I first heard the analogy of the "3 legged stool" when I had a conversation with Andre Perdue. Andre Perdue has been in the Collision Repair business for over 26 years. When Andre went to work in this industry, he quickly realized that the 3 legged stool that his company was standing on was, well...BROKEN! Let me ask you "Would you trust a 2 legged stool? Of course you wouldn't! Quickly [...]

24 10, 2018

How To Leverage Marketing Dollars

By |2018-12-17T15:36:44+00:00October 24th, 2018|Kody's Insights, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Leveraging marketing dollars, is not what most people in business think it is. Unfortunately, they think it's all about doing the average, typical and what appears to be a sexy marketing tactics.  Which we know can be super pricey and bear less fruit now days. I'm talking the average typical marketing strategies such as… Billboards Magazines Online ad's Bulk mailers TV and Radio Ad's What if I told you there's a powerful way to leverage marketing dollars. Even more surprising, it's not your average, typical marketing strategy. Yet, it's sexy, [...]

14 10, 2018

#1 Strategy For Increasing Community Engagement For Nonprofits

By |2018-10-26T03:25:54+00:00October 14th, 2018|Kody's Insights, Personal Development, PHILANTHROPY, Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

Increasing community engagement for Nonprofits can be a daunting task; but it doesn’t have to be. Nonprofit organizations come in many different forms, so let’s use a church for an example. All of us, I don’t care who you are, we all crave the need to feel important, as well as feel accepted. For the most part when people join organizations such as a church, they are truly looking for a place to belong, a place of community. An investigator coming to a new church, experiencing a personal connection with [...]


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