Increasing community engagement for Nonprofits can be a daunting task; but it doesn’t have to be.

Nonprofit organizations come in many different forms, so let’s use a church for an example.

All of us, I don’t care who you are, we all crave the need to feel important, as well as feel accepted. For the most part when people join organizations such as a church, they are truly looking for a place to belong, a place of community.

An investigator coming to a new church, experiencing a personal connection with the congregation, and most importantly the Minister, is the key to increasing community engagement.

Now there is a flip side to this as well:

  1. Not only do people need engagement with the community; in turn
  2. Non-profits, especially churches, need the community to voluntarily stay and help grow the community.

Simply put, non-profits know that without ongoing volunteers and ongoing donations, they can’t keep their doors open. They are heavily dependent on volunteers and financial donors. Not to mention the people who pay tithes and contribute to a capital campaign.

“What you appreciate, appreciates!”

Recently I had the privilege of interviewing Ellen Marrs a Minister of Redemption Gateway Church. I asked her to share her strategy about increasing community engagement with a relationship marketing strategy.

This is what she had to say:

Ellen’s response was this: “The main thing, whether it’s a church or any other profit or non-profit organization, is to focus on people. Just that extra few minutes you give to someone, to hear their story, listen for 3 key things that they talk about with you and put them in a card to send to them. This let’s them know that you were paying attention. Our society has become really shortened in our attention span and when you appreciate people with just a few points that they’ve confided in you about, it makes a huge difference and they’re connected to you for life.

This statement pretty much sums it up for you folk’s.

Increasing Community Engagement Ideas

Last but not least. Here are a few ways to strengthen relationships and increase community engagement with heartfelt greeting cards:

  • Welcome and thanks for visiting
  • We appreciate your help
  • Birthdays
  • Recognition for milestones
  • Nice to meet you
  • Holiday
  • Thanks for donations

This list will at least get you started until you find other fun ways to celebrate your tribes.

Thanks for taking time to check out this post and don’t forget to leave a comment, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Take Care,

Kody B

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