16 08, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Fitness & Health Club Edition

By |2018-10-20T15:45:12+00:00August 16th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week’s Relationship Marketing Weekly, I interview Fitness Club owner Jason Alles. Jason explains how he doubled guest traffic, and increased member referrals by 300%... If you're an owner, manager or in any way in the health and fitness industry, this is week's FB live is just for you!  

15 08, 2017

Kody’s Insights: August 15, 2017

By |2018-07-18T01:39:22+00:00August 15th, 2017|Kody's Insights|

Hey everybody. This is Kody Bateman, founder and CEO of SendOutCards. A little bit of a somber week this week. There are a lot of things that are going on in the country right now and around the world in regards to race and hatred and people not getting along with each other. I just feel it’s real important that I share a message with you today, a message that we have always been about. It’s about being one race. We call it the human race. We’re all brothers and [...]

9 08, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Employee Retention Edition

By |2018-10-20T15:46:47+00:00August 9th, 2017|Success Stories|

What an incredible interview with Gregg Bryars on this week’s Relationship Marketing Weekly: Employee Retention Edition! Gregg Bryars is a SVP of Operations for a 1.5 billion dollar national healthcare services corporation that incorporated a relationship marketing strategy to improve employee retention over the past three years.. With a US employee base of over 4,000, they improved employee retention by an average of 33%...

5 08, 2017

3 Way’s to Master Habit’s in Self Discipline When Building Relationships

By |2018-10-20T15:51:23+00:00August 5th, 2017|Personal Development|

Want to be a Master At Building Relationships? SELF DISCIPLINE and MASTERING HABIT'S,  in 3 core area's is key in RELATIONSHIP MARKETING.  It's about focusing on the first word, RELATIONSHIP, over the second word, MARKETING. It’s about mastering self discipline with habits in 3-core areas: Relationships with your SELF Relationships that are PERSONAL  Relationships in BUSINESS. Simply find out who you ARE (relationship with yourself) and then give yourself AWAY (in your personal and business relationships). Treat others, in all walks of life, the way you would want to be treated. Be giving, caring [...]

2 08, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Custom Home Builder Edition

By |2018-10-20T15:53:10+00:00August 2nd, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week's Relationship Marketing Weekly, I interview Custom Home Builder Paul Rising.  Paul lost everything due to the Real Estate bust of 2008... Starting over, deep in debt, within a few years, Paul rebuilt their business to over 5 million dollar per year. Paul and I discusses how a cost effective relationship marketing saved his business!  

26 07, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Mortgage Professional Edition

By |2018-10-20T15:54:29+00:00July 26th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week’s Relationship Marketing Weekly, I interview Mortgage Broker & Team Leader from Toronto, Linda Walters. Linda’s success stories from incorporating a relationship marketing strategy in her mortgage business will blow you away! Can you say 71% in sales volume in one year? Outstanding Success Story!!!  

25 07, 2017

Tangible Touch In Relationship Marketing Saved A Scrap Metal Business

By |2018-10-20T16:09:44+00:00July 25th, 2017|Relationship Marketing, Success Stories|

The tangible touch is becoming more and more important in today's digital high-tech world.  Mostly apparent, appreciation has become the cold world of technology.  Seems like text, email & social media messages are today's norm when it comes to saying... "Thank you" "I appreciate you" "Nice to meet you" This is where digital technology meets Tangible... "A simple greeting card to all our customers saved our failing business" ~Mary June~ Straight from the source, it's self...Today's blog post is an interview with Mary June from Tempe, AZ. She and her husband turned around [...]

19 07, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Real Estate Professionals

By |2018-07-18T01:39:22+00:00July 19th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week’s Relationship Marketing Weekly, I interview three real estate professionals that have incorporated a cost-effective relationship marketing strategy in their business! You’ll hear how Gayle increased her referral business from 30% to 99% and tripled her sales in 4 years, how Jay surpassed 1 billion in sales with over 400 agents and 3,900 transactions last year, and how Jim took his averaging listing price from $200k to over $1 million. Kody Bateman: …kind of wait a couple of seconds as some of you start coming on. I welcome you [...]

13 07, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly July 13, 2017

By |2018-07-18T01:39:22+00:00July 13th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week’s Relationship Marketing Weekly, I am LIVE from Cancun Mexico from a Relationship Marketing Mastermind. I interview three professionals from the Real Estate industry, the HR industry about Employee Acquisition and Retention, and the catering industry from an executive chef with a high-end catering business. Three amazing stories about incorporating a cost effective Relationship Marketing Strategy in their businesses! Kody: Hey everybody! This is Kody Bateman live from Cancun, Mexico. Kody: You are open here to join us. If you come on, say hello to us. Give us [...]

5 07, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly July 5, 2017

By |2018-07-18T01:39:22+00:00July 5th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week's Success Stories, I interview three individuals that share their relationship marketing success stories on the weekly broadcast of Relationship Marketing Weekly. Andre shares how he increased his business by 60%. Mary June shares how the family business generated $30,000 in additional sales in the first month using this strategy. Dave shares how they increased summer bowling business by 63% in one month. If you're a business owner, manager, or sales professional, this week's interview will absolutely amaze you! Kody Bateman: Hey everybody. This is Kody Bateman here [...]


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