8 11, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Aviation Business Consultant

By |2018-10-20T15:20:22+00:00November 8th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this Edition of Relationship Marketing Weekly, I had the pleasure of interviewing Aviation Business Consultant Mark Leeper. Mark gives his insights on how critical it is in the sales process to not making it about you, but making it about your prospect.. Mark shares several amazing stories that any sales professional or business owner will see incredible value in. He’ll also explain how much success he’s had within his own personal business by incorporating a relationship marketing strategy as well as with sharing the same strategies with his clients.

20 10, 2017

Want To Finally Know What Relationship Money Is?

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00October 20th, 2017|Personal Development|

Last week I posed a very interesting question, a thought that had come to me one morning… What is Relationship Money? What does Relationship Money have to do with Relationship Marketing? Out of pure curiosity, I wanted to hear from others. I called out to each and every one of you, all across social media, to tell me your thoughts and give me your own ideas as to what Relationship Money means to you and how it ties in with Relationship Marketing. I am in awe over the countless responses [...]

18 10, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: BNI’s Dr. Ivan Misner

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00October 18th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this Edition of Relationship Marketing Weekly, I had the pleasure of interviewing the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. We discussed in detail the "24/7/30 System". This system will allow you establish a powerful routine that will help you to make your networking efforts meaningful and successful. Kody Bateman: Hello everybody. This is Kody Bateman. Welcome to our Relationship Marketing Weekly Show. We are so excited today. I’m coming to you live from Salt Lake City, Utah and I’m very, very excited about this interview today. [...]

15 10, 2017

Relationship Marketing…How To Grow Your Referral Base by 60%

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00October 15th, 2017|Relationship Marketing|

  Why Relationship Marketing Generates more business than Traditional Marketing... True Relationship Marketing is missing in today’s high-tech “digital world”.  A genuine connection has become a lost art. With email and social media, we see what others are up to, but we don’t know how much they care. For the most part, people don’t seem to care. Different views, beliefs, and values seem to be tearing people apart. Even in business. It appears that most companies seem to be in it for the instant dollar.  Henceforth, customers don’t feel appreciated and they [...]

11 10, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Network Marketer Edition

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00October 11th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this Edition of Relationship Marketing Weekly, I had the pleasure of interviewing International Best Selling Author and Network Marketing professional, Jordan Adler. Jordan explains how he has a 100% success rate getting appointments. Jordan will also discuss how at a very young age, reading books by sales legends Joe Girard, Tom Hopkins and Harvey Mackay influenced his life on the importance of developing a strong network and the power of a handwritten note. Jordan will give you his proven step by step relationship marketing strategy. Kody Bateman: Hey, everybody! [...]

4 10, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: Web Design & Marketing Consultant

By |2018-10-20T15:27:57+00:00October 4th, 2017|Success Stories|

In this week's Relationship Marketing Weekly I had the pleasure of interviewing  24 year web design & marketing consultant Laurie Delk.  Laurie started incorporating a relationship marketing strategy in her personal business from day 1. However 13 years ago, she was introduced to a system that not only saved her time and money, it allowed her to share her same philosophy and strategies with all her clients which allowed them to have the same results in their business. Her story will not only amaze you, but will touch your heart.. [...]

27 09, 2017

Relationship Marketing Weekly: The Five Secrets of Success

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00September 27th, 2017|Success Stories|

The 5 Secrets of Success in the New Tangible World of Business. In this week's show I deep and discusses my top five takeaways & personal insights from the past Relationship Marketing Weekly Shows. Regardless if you're a business owner or not, you will love this edition of Relationship Marketing Weekly! Kody Bateman: Hey everybody. This is Kody Bateman. Welcome to our Relationship Marketing Weekly Show. I’m really, really excited to share some fun things with you today. We’ve had some great shows over the last eight, nine, ten weeks. [...]

24 09, 2017

What is Marketing? Here is the Secret

By |2018-07-18T01:38:37+00:00September 24th, 2017|2 Minute Tips|

Traditional & Relationship Marketing Explained What sets you apart from your competition?  Here is the secret to the question, what is marketing? We have all heard:  "It's a lot cheaper and easier to keep a client, then to have to find new ones" Recognize Vulnerability: You might be in touch with your client several times a week especially when your customer is brand new, but what about the in between time? This is crucial to building and maintaining relationships! When the work is done, top-of-mind awareness drops. Over time, if you haven't created a [...]


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