Sustainability With The “Winning Trifecta” For Business Development

Sustainability for business development and sales success through business psychology is Bernadette McClelland‘s passion!

So, Bernadette McClelland is referred to as Australia’s Leading Speaker on ‘Sales Psychology’ and ‘Beyond Resilience’ thinking. Her distinctive style has been constantly referred to the world over “real!”

In addition, she is the CEO of a sales performance and leadership practice company and is the:

  • Author of multiple books
  • Winner of Telstra and Powercor Award for Business Excellence
  • Awarded the Best New Speaker Of The Year for the NSAA of Victoria
  • Founder of Sales Mastery India,

Impressively, she partnered with her long-time mentor, Anthony Robbins as his lead peak performance coach for the Asia Pacific region, and setting a record for sales as his breakout speaker at Tony’s ‘Unleash The Power Within’ event. Also, she has coached MBA students from Harvard University on parts of their sales curriculum, as an award-winning writer.

Recently, she has been ‘recognized as one of the 35 most influential women in sales globally.’ With her successful career in senior sales in Fortune 500 companies such as:

  • Xerox
  • Kodak
  • CA

Currently, she sits on the team for Top Sales World out of London and is the co-founder of the Australasian Sales Masterminds, elevating sales leadership capabilities.

Bernadette’s Story and Passion

To start with, Bernadette’s passion and decision to consciously make a difference sits atop a personal story of grit, focus, and personal leadership.

Consequently, after experiencing a life-threatening illness in 2009 plus being:

  • Bedridden for a year
  • Bankrupt
  • Betrayed

Even further, the liquidation of the family’s wholesale and importing business and the loss of her family’s home led her to become an unwilling participant in Australia’s welfare system at the age of 50.

Ultimately, by shifting focus and their lives she and her husband were able to redefine what their value was in the market and identify what people would pay for that value.

As a result, Bernadette inspires change when speaking to her audiences whether they be:

  • Corporate
  • Sales teams
  • Associations
  • Emerging leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Women’s groups

Where she ignites her belief that anyone, at any time and any stage in life, can achieve sustainability in business development and personal growth by ‘amplifying their human potential.’

Listen to this uplifting interview below…


Psychology, Behavior, and Listening

First off, Bernadette says, for more sustainability in business development, salespeople need to:

“Be more like a sales psychologist through strategy, science, and psychology.”

In other words, don’t think of yourself in terms of being a salesperson and closing sales. Sales success is about thinking more on the lines of being a sales psychologist by using business psychology.

To clarify, sales psychologists focus on behavior where salespeople focus on the sale.

Moreover, salespeople focus on:

  • Processes
  • Methodologies
  • Numbers

Whereas, sales psychology is focused on behavior, listening, and understanding what:

  • Motivates oneself
  • Makes you tick

Also, understanding why we think a certain way and do the things we do.

Not to mention, business psychology is about knowing the things that help us be prepared with the right questions and teaches us to be good listeners. Even more importantly, understanding these things prepare us to go to the marketplace for sales success!

Sustainable, Strategic Sales Development

Secondly, strategic sales psychology is about listening, watching behavior, and learning what questions you need to ask to turn the conversation towards the prospect’s needs causing sustainability for business growth.

However, Bernadette makes a specific point when she says:

“listen more to what they are not saying as opposed to what they are saying.

Indeed we all come to the table with different filters and beliefs. To clarify, she means to be hunters of the things our prospects believe in, which will transition us from being salespeople to sales psychologists, which then helps us in sustainable, strategic sales development.

Right now, I urge you to watch the interview above, where Bernadette digs deeper into the details of sales psychology. Also, learn how to become an expert at business psychology with the power of ‘hunting’ for sustainable sales success; That is to say, hunting is discovering prospects beliefs, and implementing strategic questions for sales success and business development!

Certainly, we are in an evolving society where “relational” has overtaken “transactional.” Indeed, if you want sustainable sales success, learn and implement business psychology. Please pick up a copy of her newest book “The Art of Commercial Conversations.”

Take Care,

Kody B.

P.S. I want to invite you to my virtual event where I teach sustainability for business development and sales success through a unique form of business psychology.

“Relationship Marketing Grand Summit” happening in September of 2020! See the details below or click the link for more information!