Provenance…What is it & do you have it?

Understand this “gorgeous” word. Really hear it!

I love this word! I absolutely love it. Because that’s what marketing is.

People in business want to learn how they can better their relationships and better their marketing tactics. People in business want a better return on investment and better results in their business. In other words “get better value” from their marketing.

But this whole provenance thing is powerful because again, that’s what marketing is. Not to mention difficult to achieve. Marketing is about telling a story and it’s very reflective in the art world because there is no value to the paint on the canvass until you know the story. If there’s a story, then there’s value.

Isn’t that the same in any business?

Brian Baity is an Artist by trade. His passion is carving and designing jewelry plus photography. 85 or 90 percent of his marketing is done by leveraging a relationship marketing strategy to grow his new business and provenance.  Happily, the results have been nothing short of incredible!

In a quick interview with Brian Baity, I asked how he has been able to create provenance in the art world, and this was his answer:

  1. Telling your story and passion for what you do
  2. Adding value to others by recognizing them for their contributions and collaborations;

Remember, this is where the true value is.


How to create provenance:

Brian: Provenance is the story behind the artist and the work that the artist creates. I’m able to do this with a relationship marketing tool, highlighting stories of other artists and their work, which in turn creates provenance for them and me.

Greeting cards are Brian’s go to when making announcements and invites. On the back of the card, he recognizes them for their contributions to his artistic success, by “expressing his profound gratitude.”

Listen folks, we are all artists within our own industries with a great story to tell, and telling yours will be powerful for you and your brand.

I appreciate you taking time out to read this. If you found value in this or know someone who would benefit from this information, I’m sure they would be grateful to you if you would pay it forward, as would I.

Visit to see how relationship marketing can create provenance for you. Also, don’t forget to give me a “like” while your there.