Strategic planning within a competitive industry is a must when trying to set yourself apart from your competition.

Strategic planning, for example, let’s look at the Golf Industry…

Look, I’m not a golfer by heart, but I’ve recently found myself thinking about starting up again. Not to mention, I recently had the honor of interviewing an independent sales rep, in the golf industry.

My interview was with Charley, who has been an independent sales rep in this highly competitive industry for ten years.

During our chat we talked about 2 different types of highly competitive careers in the golf industry;

  • Golf Pro’s
  • Independent sales rep’s

Charley said, “most people when they think of golf, they think of playing golf.” “They don’t think of an occupation of golf and what that entails.”

Well, Charley has been on both sides of the equation;

  1. A buyer of golf products
  2. Independent sales of golf products

Being on both sides of the equation, Charley learned what a buyer wants, and how an independent sales rep needs to treat the buyer.

Strategic planning with Relationship marketing helped him;

  • enhance relationships
  • create more opportunities
  • save him time and money 

In the past two years, this strategic planning has increased Charley’s sales volume, and referrals by more than 40%. And consequently, in the 1st quarter of 2018, a mind-blowing 275% increase over the same period last year!

The numbers listed above are due to relationship building.

Simply put, Charley has skyrocketed his bottom line with building relationships by;

  • Being professional
  • Taking care of people
  • Following up
  • Showing he cares
  • Recognizing his customers on;
    • Birthdays
    • Anniversaries (Sale Date)
    • Nice to meet you
    • Thank You’s
    • Triumphs achieved

Relationships Eventually Put Food On The Table

Relationships are everything, you never know the connections that people have.

Most people in business, for whatever reason, they don’t want to make the investment in relationship marketing. Matter of fact, it’s not about the money investment, because relationship marketing is the most cost-effective form of marketing.

Genuinely caring about other human beings is a powerful, emotional investment.  All you need to do is show people that you care. Chances are your competition doesn’t want to put forth the effort. This leaves a great opportunity for you to capitalize on!

Truly thinking from the heart and sending out a tangible heartfelt emotion, tells your customers that you care, and you’re not just looking for the next sale.

So in other words, genuinely take care of people, simply treat people the way you want to be treated.

Are you surviving or thriving?

Quick question…

If the heartfelt tangible touch is a proven strategic plan, then why aren’t other people doing this?

Think about it… what an opportunity to set yourself apart from this high-tech, digital world. Communicating with a tangible touch is the “secret weapon” of the top 1-3% of salespeople in the world, at the top of their industry.

Simply put, it’s separating you from your competition and other people in your industry. Let’s face it, we all can survive by;

  • making a phone call
  • making an appointment
  • sending emails and;
  • then following-up;

However, the added “tangible touch” makes a great impression and takes you and your business from simply surviving to THRIVING! 

Never forget the importance of “appreciation wins over self-promotion every single time.”

However, it’s not only about appreciation and gratitude, don’t forget recognition. Just find the recognition that people really truly want and desire and genuinely deliver it to them.

I will never understand how such an easy concept is so underutilized.

Food for thought…now that you have a proven strategic plan to reach the top of your industry, will you choose to survive or thrive?

It’s time to THRIVE…Thanks for spending time on my blog, don’t forget to subscribe to

Kody B

p.s. sharing is caring and there are lots of people who could use this message so don’t forget to share it, many thanks.